Craft Recipes
These craft recipes will certainly bring back memories! I'm sure we all have fond memories of doing creative projects as children, especially doing paper mache and creating play dough sculptures.
 Even though we may not remember the exact ingredients our parents or teachers used, we still want to give the same fun and memories to the children in our lives. That's where comes in.
We've got many projects to choose from, and many more to come. Besides the edible play dough, the recipes on this page are non-edible crafts, if you want some tasty edible kids crafts visit our
Edible Crafts
Bread Paint Ages 3 and up This Bread Paint makes sandwiches and toast so much fun! It's also great to use this edible craft to surprise someone you love by painting a special message for them!
Salt Dough Recipe With this easy Salt Dough Recipe you can make tons of really neat crafts like sculptures, ornaments, and jewelry, the sky's the limit! The best part about salt dough is that it can go right in the oven to dry, no need to wait!
Easy Craft Clay Ages 3 and up This Easy Craft Clay recipe is a great all purpose clay which can make many different craft projects, from beads to ornaments! It dries to a white, matte finish and can then be painted with either Tempera or acrylic craft paint.
Homemade Sidewalk Paint Ages 2 and up This Homemade Sidewalk Paint is so easy to make and is eco-friendly too! You can make it in different colors and it wipes right off!
Paper Mache Recipe Ages 5 and up The paper mache recipe has been around for a long time, centuries actually. There are many ways to make paper mache. I've tried and tweeked many recipes; I find the best recipe is smooth, light and easy to work with. Try this one!
Pasta and Rice Paint Ages 3 and up With this Pasta and Rice Paint recipe you can make all kinds of different colors of macaroni and rice to make many different craft projects. Colored macaroni and rice can add so much texture to children's art!
PlayDough Recipes Ages 3 and up I'm sure we all have wonderful memories of making playdough sculptures when we were children, with these playdough recipes you can pass on the fun to your kids! Choose from the edible and non-edible varieties, and let the fun begin!
Secret Invisible InkAges 4 and up Children will love to write secret messages or draw a treasure map using this secret invisible ink.
Scratch N Sniff Paint Ages 3 and up Kids will love to smell their painted creations with this Scratch N Sniff paint. Make it in all different kinds of "flavors" and enjoy!
Popsicle Paints Ages 3 and up These popsicle paints are a fun summer crafts for kids. Just make sure you make a lot because they may melt before you've finished having fun with them! Just make sure the children you are doing this craft with know that these 'Popsicles' aren't for eating!
Crazy Crayons Ages 5 and up Recycle your old broken crayons and make some new Crazy Crayons! Easily mold your old crayons into new ones and start the fun all over again! These work great as party favors with a coloring book, or as a gift!
Spaghetti PaintAges 2 and up This unique Spaghetti Paint will excite any child! What child doesn't like to smoosh their hands in noodles and then make a unique painting, that can also be hung up proudly to display!
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Savvy HomemadeIs dedicated to sharing money saving ideas, homemade projects, ways to go green, and how to live in an unstable economy by learning to make your own things instead of always buying them.
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